
Sarah Collings

Sarah believes that, above all, forró is about connection, fun and community. Her classes emphasise the importance of presence, connection with our partner, and musicality.

Sarah fell in love with forró while living in Milan and she hasn’t looked back since. She has travelled all over Europe and to Brazil to learn with different teachers. Building on her experience in sports and language education, Sarah launched and started to teach classes in Brussels in 2014, and now teaches regular classes across five different levels as well as weekly concept-based workshops.

Sarah has worked closely and performed with Ricardo Ambrózio, gaining crucial insights into the technical and creative aspects of dance and developing her own style and approach. She has also studied and taught with many other teachers, broadening her horizons and understanding of dance. Since 2016 she has been teaching individually at events in Belgium, across Europe and in Brazil.

Together with Emilie Gasia, Sarah now organises a twice-yearly “Encontro” for forró teachers to share good practices and exchange ideas. She is also one of the founders of the forró association in Brussels, working to serve the growing forró community in the city. Sarah has co-organised four successful editions of the festival Ai Que Bom Brussels with Thiago Lima, and Ricardo and Martina Ambrózio.

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